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12 April 2011

Help and Thank You

   I've never thought prayer had to be complicated.  "Help" and "thank you" pretty much cover it for me.  The sea of life moves me up and down, and while I manage to keep my nose out of the water most of the time, 90% of me will always be below the surface.

   Yesterday was one of those days when I swallowed a little water, panicked, asked for help, and now I'm saying thank you.  A stranger misjudged my motive and criticized my honesty.  Because the comment was neither clear nor direct, I first mistook it as a overture of friendship.  When I began to suspect his words were unkind, I asked him what he was trying to say.  He clarified his opinion a bit, the moment passed, and we parted ways.  I felt indignant and naive.  It took me a while to let it go.  A friend reminded me that it's a broad highway and there is room for all of us, with all of our opinions and character defects.

    Today is a new day.  Thank you for new days.  Help me to pause before I react.  Help me to be patient, kind, and tolerant in the ever-changing sea of life.