I was musing/smiling about those song lyrics from the Steve Miller song "The Joker" that say "People keep talkin' 'bout me, baby..." Also, the Lynyrd Skynyrd song "The Breeze," ("Well, now, they call me the Breeze...").
I was laughing inwardly (as opposed to "lol" or Laughing Out Loud), was because I was thinking of the one-liner my friend Scott gave me... "I used to worry about what other people thought of me, until I realized they don't." I just thought, popular music is funny sometimes, and it's easier to get away with saying stupid shit than it is in real life. Like, "People keep talkin' 'bout me, baby..."
Really? Does anyone, at any age, believe other people spend a lot of time thinking or talking about them?
I know, I know. I'm probably making way too much of it, but isn't making way too much of not much kind of what blogging is all about? Pretending like I have something new or important to say, when everyone knows there's nothing new under the sun. A lot of re-packaged old stuff that seems new, but trust me, it's not.
It's fun to think that someone else is going to notice the salsa spot half the size of a dime on my shirt sleeve, but no one will. I'll change shirts in the belief that others are paying attention to me, but they're not. They're thinking about whether or not they have any spots on their clothing. At least in my culture that's how it goes.